Two major processes needed to be worked out for democracy to develop in America: using natural resources and organizing civil affairs through a suitable government for a nation like ours. America has democracy due to the coordination of the industrial and civil processes. The ideals of government have demonstrated a democratic application in Europe since the Reformation’s heraldic call, which descended quickly after the Columbian voyages, and in America after the first quarter of the seventeenth century. It may be assumed that Europe would foresee America; some of the tenets of civil society defined by more contemporary standards would have been worked out in the deep mine of Indo-European experience.
Although he may have contributed via his labor to their formulation in a later state of a society structured on the same industrial and civil foundation that America was founded upon, the miner may have missed the principles in that process. The ideas of More, Milton, Locke, Montesquieu, and Penn generalized the work done in that mine and developed into political systems that, despite having different authors than one, all agreed upon the centrality of the free individual. Any political system’s modern counterpart, free labor, couldn’t be found for a while. Denying the slave manhood was a sophisticated way to circumvent the contradiction. The enslaved person served as a heavyweight. The political philosopher’s role in the social economy is to predict outcomes.
Thought outperforms action. Therefore, Hume foresees the French Revolution, Franklin the current era of administration in government, and Montesquieu the democracy of today. Franklin concludes that the theory of the state is false and turns his attention to the administration of the state as the next issue. The state theory was occasionally presented between the end of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Except for how another century’s worth of experience has transformed it, the definition is untouched in the lexicon of politics. It was reached through various steps in the development of democracy. Its constituent parts are the individual and the group of people collectively referred to as the community: the one and the many, including the one.
Roman, Celtic, and Teutonic concepts gave rise to democracy in the United States. A civil composite that is. A sequence of political changes documents its development. The operation of government is a political adjustment. That is what Franklin typically refers to. It is a practical matter. It is the second half of the apple of civil unrest, just as the state theory was the first half for a very long time.
America’s democratic system is not novel. It existed in a dormant state in European culture long before America was colonized. However, the alignment of regional and national interests in the state has emerged before our eyes in this nation, so it appears novel and peculiarly our own. Therefore, the farmer owns the fruit on the tree, but the gardener holds the flower on the bush.